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1. 黄土灾变机理、监测、预警与防控理论 ;

2. 人工智能技术在岩土与灾害领域的应用研究;

3. 矿山地质环境治理与国土空间生态修复;

4. 城镇化过程的环境岩土工程;

5. 城市海绵设施优化与水文过程调控






中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所 地质工程,博士生


2013.01—2016.04: 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所         副研究员

2013.02—2015.02:香港城市大学 岩土工程研究所,                博士后研究员(香江学者)

2018.07—2022.10: 体育平台 人居环境与建筑工程学院,副院长

2020.11—2022.10: 体育平台  电信学部  软件学院,副院长(挂职)

2016.05—      :  体育平台 人居环境与建筑工程学院,土木工程系,教授

2022.11—      :  体育平台 人居环境与建筑工程学院,常务副院长,党委副书记


近年来,在Geotechnique、Canadian Geotechnical Journal、Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering、Engineering Geology等岩土顶级期刊以第一作者或通讯作者身份发表论文五十余篇。获得发明专利三项。


2020年入选 教育部青年长江学者

2019年入选 陕西省杰出青年基金支持

2018年入选 陕西省秦岭生态保护“青年学者”


(1) Ling Xu #*, Matthew Coop, The mechanics of a saturated silty loess with a transitional mode. Geotechnique, 2017, 7(67): 581-596

(2) Ling Xu #*, Matthew Coop, Maosheng Zhang, Genlong Wang, The mechanics of a saturated silty loess and implications for landslides, Engineering Geology, 2017,24(2):

(3) Ling Xu #*, L.G. Tham, Fuchu Dai, Hong MIn, Field testing of irrigation effects on the stability of a cliff edge in loess, Engineering Geology, 2011, 120(1-4): 10-17:1-14

(4) Ling Xu #* , Matthew Coop, Influence of structure on the behavior of a saturated clayey loess, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2016, 53(6): 1026~1037

(5) L. Xu #*, Fuchu Dai, L.G. Tham, Yuefeng Zhou, Caixia Wu, Investigating landslide-related cracks along the edge of two loess platforms in northwest China, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2012, 37(10): 1023~1033

(6) Xu. L #*, Dai, F. C., Gong, Q. M., Tham, L. G., Min, H., Irrigation-in duced loess flow failure in Heifangtai Platform, North-West China, Environmental Earth Sciences, 2012, 66(6): 1707~1713

(7) Xu, Ling #*,Dai, Fuchu, Tham, Leslie George, Tu, Xinbin, Jin, Yanli, Landslides in the Transitional Slopes between a Loess Platform and River Terrace, Northwest China, Environmental and Engineering Geoscience, 2011, 17(3): 267-279

(8) Xu, Ling #*, Fuchu Dai, Jian Chen, Iqbal, J, Yongxin Qu, Analysis of a progressive slope failure in the Xiangjiaba reservoir area, Southwest China, Landslides, 2014, 11(1):55~66

(9) Xu, Ling #*, Fuchu Dai, Tu, XB, L.G. Tham, Zhou, YF, Iqbal, J, Landslides in a loess platform, North-West China, landslides, 2014, 11(6): 993-1005

(10) Xu, L #*.Dai, F. C.Tu, X. B. Javed, I. Woodard, M. J. Jin, Y.L., Tham,L.G., Occurrence of landsliding on slopes where flowsliding had, previously occurred: An investigation in a loess platform, North-west China, Catena, 2013, 104: 195~209

(11) Xu, Ling #*, Qiao, Xiaojuan, Wu, Caixia, Iqbal, Javed, Dai, Fuchu, Causes of landslide recurrence in a loess platform with respect to hydrological processes, Natural Hazards, 2012, 64(2): 1657~1670
